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atelier Lemon & Lime
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New Colors
Mahoganyは茶色系の色合いで、Horweenの中では、BourbonとDark Cognacの中間くらいの色になります。Bourbonよりもやや濃いめの、とても茶色らしい茶色です。
Mahogany is a shade of brown, and in Horween colors it is somewhere between Bourbon and Dark Cognac. It's a very brownish brown, slightly darker than Bourbon. |
Mochaも茶色系の色ですが、いわゆる「こげ茶」色です。Horweenの色合いの中では、Dark Cognacよりもやや濃いめで、Dark Cognacに赤みが加わったような深みのある色です。
Mocha is also a brown color, but it is a so-called "dark brown" color. Among the shades of Horween, it is slightly darker than Dark Cognac, and has a deep color like Dark Cognac with a reddish tint. |
Denimは、文字通り青系の色です。比較的Navyに近い色ですが、Navyよりも少し青みがあります。Horweenの色合いの中では、NavyとIntense Blueの中間くらいの色合いです。
Denim is literally a blue color. The color is relatively close to Navy, but has a little more blue than Navy. Among Horween shades, it is somewhere between Navy and Intense Blue. |
(写真の上から/From top to bottom in the photo)
NavyとDenimの比較です。上の2枚がNavy、下の2枚がDenimです。使い込んでいくことで、より青に近い色合いに変化していくかと思います。 A comparison between Navy and Denim. The top two are Navy and the bottom two are Denim. I think that the Denim will change to more blue as it is used. |
(写真の上から/From top to bottom in the photo)
These are the 3 new colors purchased for our 3rd anniversary. |
(写真の上から/From top to bottom in the photo)
This time, I could get 2pcs of Amaretto as well. Amaretto has a very bright color compare to Bourbon or Mahogany, and the ones I received this time has a particularly bright orange-ish color. |
Marbled Black
今回は、Marbled Blackが一枚だけ届きました。前回のMarbled Blackが緑色っぽいものだったのに対して、今回は、青みも感じられるおもしろい色合いです。
写真でもわかる通り、革の中央部付近に、少し大きめの傷があります。そのため、革の切り取り方にはやや制約が出てきます。 This time, I could get only 1pc of Marbled Black. Whereas the last Marbled Black was greenish black shade, this time it's an interesting pattern with a bluish tint. |
I try to make the colors in the photo look as real as possible, but they're not perfect. . .
I'm sorry that I can't provide color samples, but I would be happy if you could find a color you like!
Thank you so much!